Nonprofit Educational OrganizationsNonprofit Organizations
- Cambridge School Volunteers 459 Broadway Cambridge MA 02138
- (617) 349-6794
- (617) 349-6749
- Send Email
- Visit CSV online
Mon-Fri 8:00-4:15
Driving Directions:
We run programs in every Cambridge public school in the city. Our offices are in Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, 459 Broadway.
About Us
Cambridge School Volunteers, a nonprofit partner of the Cambridge Public Schools since 19066, oversees an outpouring of community goodwill and volunteerism, placing volunteers from corporate partners as well as individual volunteers from the community in the public schools to support students' academic and personal success. CSV's corporate partners in 2021–22 are Audible, BioNTech, the Broad Institute, Draper, Facebook, Google, MIT, MIT Dept. of Chemical Engineering, MIT Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT Dept. of Materials Science, Novartis Biomedical Institutes, Oracle, Philips Research North America, Sanofi, and Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. (U.S. DOT). We welcome inquiries from local employers who want to provide their staff with meaningful ways to support the community as volunteers.