Date and Time
Thursday Sep 7, 2023
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Bidding Starts: September 7, 2023 - 9:00AM
Lots Begin Closing: September 7, 2023 - 4:00PM
Online - Equipment Located in Multiple Locations, United States (USA)
Buyer Premium: 19.0%
Taxes: Varies by Item/Buyer Location.
Contact Information
EquipNet Auctions
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Online Auction featuring Life Sciences Research Equipment. This event contains many types of instrumentation and supportive equipment that was once in use at some of the nation's most recognizable companies within the life sciences arena, featuring Agilent ICP, HPLC and GC-MS systems, Advanced Chemtech peptide synthesizer, various real-time PCR instruments, Nikon microscopes, a CARR Viafuge Pilot and much more!
Featured Listings:
- Advanced Chemtech Tetras Volo Plus Peptide Synthesizer
- Agilent Technologies 7890A GCMS 5975C MSD Gas Chromatograph GC
- Perkin Elmer Optima 3000 XL Spectrometer with AutoSampler
- Agilent Technologies 1200 HPLC With Quat Pump and DAD Detector
- Life Technologies 4247 Ion Chef With Ion One Touch 2
- Nikon Eclipse Ts2-FL Inverted Microscope with DS-Fi3 Camera and Lenovo ThinkPad
- Eppendorf epMotion 96 with 2-position slider
- Agilent Technologies 700 Series ICP-OES with SP3 Autosampler and G1879B Heat Exchanger
- CARR Centritech Separation Systems Viafuge Pilot Centrifuge
Event Details:
Bidding Starts: September 7, 2023 - 9:00AM
Lots Begin Closing: September 7, 2023 - 4:00PM
Buyer Premium: 19.0%
Equipment Location: Multiple Locations, United States (USA)
Tax/Vat Rate: Varies by Item/Buyer Location.